5500 Performing Arts and Music
2017 / Koto master Yoko Awaya to present 40th anniversary koto concert at Armstrong Theater, April 15
As of April 13, tickets are sold out.
The Yoko Awaya Koto Music Conservatory (Awaya-kai) will present the 40th Annivers…
2016 / Hollywood Chinese 6 Theaters to host free screening of modern Kabuki story “One Piece” in high definition, Nov. 27
The Japan Foundation Los Angeles presents free screening of Kabuki "One Piece" in Cinema Kabuki high-definition form…
2016 / UCLA presents Shakuhachi concert and talk at Jan Popper Theater, Nov. 8
Forwarded for UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
Blowing Meditation and the Sounds of Fall
with acclaimed shak…
2016 / Japanese Visual Dance Troupe Enra Defies Time and Space in New Show PROXIMA at The Montalban Theatre, Hollywood, Oct. 21.22. 23
Japanese Visual Dance Troupe Enra Defies Time and Space in New Show PROXIMA
Japanese visual dance troupe Enra defie…
2016 / Los Angeles Downtown’s REDCAT to present Japan’s Butoh stage, Oct. 7, 8, 9
REDCAT or Roy and Edna Disney / CalArts (California Institute of the Art) Theater
Japan’s Takao Kawagu…
2016 / Japanese percussion instrument workshop by instructor from Japan, Sept. 10-13
Nonprofit organization Matsutoyo Kai, Inc. will host the Japanese percussion instrument workshop by Mme. Mochizuki…
2016 / Kabuki – Behind the Scene: Dance Wig Lecture / Demo, Aug 6
An exciting and informative lecture and demonstration is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, at the Gardena Valley Japa…
2016 / Japanese dance recital by Azuma Kotobuki Kai in Thousand Oaks, June 26
Forwarded for the Azuma Kotobuki Kai
The Azuma Kotobuki Kai invites you to our annual Japanese dance program on Sunday,…
2016 / Shakuhachi Master Reidou Konno to perform at charity concert in West L.A. June 26
Shakuhachi Master Reidou Konno will perform at a charity concert of the West L.A. Holiness Church on Sunday, June 26 at 2…