Love to Nippon
2020 / March 7 event for 2011 Japanese disaster is cancelled, organizer Love to Nippon Project announces
The 9th anniversary of 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake on March 7 is cancelled, event organizer Love to Nippon Project…
2019 / Candlelight Prayers for 3.11 Memorial at Santa Monica Pier, Mar. 10
Love to Nippon 2019 Candle Service
Candlelight Prayers at Santa Monica Pier
Sunday, March 10, 2019, 9:00 PM
At 2:4…
2019 / Los Angeles to observe 2011 Japan Tsunami Disaster Anniversary at LAPD Headquarters in Downtown, Mar. 10
Forwarded for Love to Nippon Project
The 8th Anniversary of Love to Nippon: 2019
12:00 pm on Sunday, March 10, 2019
at Los…
2018 / Love to Nippon: 400 people observe Japan’s tsunami memorial day, March 11
Love to Nippon 2018 - 7th Anniversary Memorial Event pays tribute to the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake &…
2018 / Simultaneous candle light prayer for Japan’s tsunami memorial, March 10 at 9:46PM in Los Angeles
A Candle Light Prayer for 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami
Saturday, March 10 at 9:46PM at North-side of S…
2016 / LA County Supervisors commend memorial project "Love to Nippon" of Tohoku 2011 disaster, Mar. 22
Video of Masako Unoura-Tanaka and Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe at the LA County Supervisor Meeting Hall on M…
2016 / Little Tokyo to become place for remembering 2011 Japan disaster with documentary screening, Mar. 11
On March 11, 2016 in the heart of Little Tokyo, the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center will become the axis…
2016 / Candlelight vigil at Santa Monica Pier for victims of 2011 Japan disaster, Mar. 10 at 9:46 PM
Forwarded for Love to Nippon 2016
What: A candlelight vigil to honor all the lives lost and forever affected by the Grea…
2016 / Mr. Norman Mineta speaks at 2011 Japan’s disaster memorial event in Los Angeles
Former US Secretary of Transportation Mr. Norman Mineta spoke at "Love to Japan 2016"…
2016 / Memorial event organizer announces supporter list of March 6 event in Downtown Los Angeles
Fifth Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial Special Events
“Love to Nippon 2016”
The Fif…