2600 Southern California - University & Institution
2021 / Academy Museum / Film Program: Hayao Moyazaki / The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, Dec. 24 - Dec. 29
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
Film Program: Hayao Miyazaki
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Dec. 24-Dec 29, 20…
2021 / Academy Museum / Film Program: Hayao Miyazaki / Never-Ending Man, Dec. 31 – Jan. 1
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
Film Program: Hayao Miyazaki
Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki
Dec. 31- Jan. 1
2017 / Huntington Library / Fl -ORI- legium: Folded Transformations from the Natural World by Robert Lang, Saturday & Sunday only, Oct. 22, 2016 - Jan. 29, 2017
Huntington Library presents
Fl ORI legium: Folded Transformations from the Natural World by Robert Lang
October 22,…
2016 / Scripps College Williamson Gallery "On Stage: Japanese Theater Prints and Costumes" exhibition, Oct. 29 - Dec. 17
On Stage: Japanese Theater Prints and Costumes
October 29 - December 17, 2016
Opening: October 29, 7 to 9 pm
2016 / Huntington Library to present symposium about Chinese woodblock prints, Nov. 12
Word and Image: Chinese Woodblock Prints
A symposium at
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Garde…
2016 / UCLA presents Shakuhachi concert and talk at Jan Popper Theater, Nov. 8
Forwarded for UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
Blowing Meditation and the Sounds of Fall
with acclaimed shak…
2016 / Scripps College to present Noh theater-theme day-long program, Oct. 29
World premiere performance of Japanese Noh theatre at Claremont’s Scripps College introduces
American audiences to…
2016 / Huntington Library East Asian Library Lecture Series: “Chinese Woodblock Prints” by Suzanne Wriht, Oct. 25
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Tuesday October 25,…
2016 / Huntington Library East Asian Garden Lecture Series: “The Art and Science of Origami” by Robert Lang, Oct. 23
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Sunday October 23, 2…
2016 / Los Angeles Downtown’s REDCAT to present Japan’s Butoh stage, Oct. 7, 8, 9
REDCAT or Roy and Edna Disney / CalArts (California Institute of the Art) Theater
Japan’s Takao Kawagu…
2016 / Huntington Library East Asian Garden Lecture Series: “Chinese Woodblock Prints of the Late Ming and Qing Periods” by June Li, Oct. 3
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Rothenberg Hall
2016 / UCLA screening Oct. 3: Documentary on anti-nuclear protest in Tokyo in 2011, Talk by filmmaker in person
Forwarded for UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
October 3, 2016/ 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
UCLA Faculty Center, Haciend…