Nisei Week 2016
2016 / Japanese sword exhibition to be organized by specialist during Nisei Week Aug. 20-21
In celebration of the 2016 Nisei Week Japanese Festival, a special exhibition of fine Japanese swords and fittings wil…
2016 / Nisei Week: Tea Ceremony and Ikebana Exhibition at Little Tokyo, Aug 13-14
Weekend 1: August 13-14
August 13 (Sat)
Tea Ceremony: Omoto Senke School of Tea
JACCC Tea House, 11:00 am – 3:30 pm…
2016 / Nisei Week / Oldest karate demonstration in U.S. to mark 60th anniversary, Aug. 13
On Saturday, August 13, 2016, the Shotokan Karate of America will host its 60th Annual Nisei Week Karate Exhibition and…
2016 /Nisei Week free dance classes set for July 19 - Aug. 4
Forwarded for the Nisei Week Foundation
Ever want to dance in the Nisei Week Ondo & Closing Ceremony or Grand Parade…
2016 / Nisei Week: Opening ceremony is a result of one year efforts by Japanese American communities, July 17
In 2016, the Nisei Week Japanese Festival is observing its 76th anniversary. The festivities will take place from Aug.…