Donation for Cultural News
Support Cultural News by Your Donation for sharing the rich experience of Japanese and Japanese American heritage
Cultural News is grateful for your generous support in helping us fulfill our mission: sharing the rich experience of J…
2023: Building Community Archive: Help Cultural News by Your Donation to forward cultural regacy to next generations
Since the 1980s, Japanese culture has become very popular in the U.S. Sushi, Japanese cuisine, Anime and related produ…
Cultural News wishes to express appreciation to its donors for Weekly CN project
Cultural News wishes to express the warmest levels of appreciation to its donors for their support of the Weekly CN proj…
2022 / Academy Museum of Motion Pictures: Current Exhibition “Hayao Miyazaki” Sep. 30, 2021 - Jun. 5, 2022
Hayao Miyazaki, the Academy Museum’s inaugural temporary exhibition, marks the first North American museum retrosp…