2013 / Inter-culture / Senshin Buddhist temple to present Balinese court music, Nov. 9, at 6 pm

Balinese Court Music

Senshin Buddhist Temple presents “Gamelan Pandan Arum: An Evening of Balinese Court Music” on November 9, at 6 pm. Tickets are $10.

Gamalan Pandan Arum, based in Los Angeles, is the only group in America performing the repertoire of the gamelan Semara Pegulingan of Kamasan village in Bali, the last remaining link to a 400-year-old tradition of Balinese court music.

Group leader Tyler Yamin will give a short talk about the repertoire, accompanied by photographs taken by Jan Steward in the 1960s and 1970s.

Senshin Buddhist Temple is located at 1311 West 37th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007. (323) 731-4617. www.senshintemple.org