2014 / Japanese American community in West Los Angeles to gather for “Sawtelle Reunion III” Oct. 19

Sawtelle Reunion Sunday School

Sunday school class of the Japanese Methodist Church in 1933 at Easter Sunday. The lumber yard and warehouse rooms and old horse stalls were used for classrooms. The Japanese Methodist Church became the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church. (Courtesy of Sawtelle Reunion)

Forwarded for Sawtelle Reunion 2014

Sawtelle Reunion III

Sunday, October 19, 2014, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm

West Los Angeles Buddhist Church, at Social Hall

2003 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles 90025

Remember our past, reflect on the future of our Sawtelle neighborhood, and renew friendships.

This non-sectarian event is open to all.

Registration at the door is $30, which includes light refreshments, beer and wine.  Pre-registration is closed on October 1.

For more information, contact:

Hank Iwamoto, htiwamoto@gmail.com, (310) 837-6388

Judy Iwamoto Okita, mattie349@hotmail.com, (310) 473-0188

Lillian Matayoshi, lilmatayoshi@aol.com, (323) 633-1595

John Tsukahira, john.tsukahira60@gmail.com, (310) 390-6198

Sawtelle Reunion 2010 Ladies

Sawtelle Reunion in 2010: A group of ladies (Courtesy of Sawtelle Reunion)

Sawtelle Reunion Ketchie's Stand

Ketchie’s Stand was located at corner of Sawtelle Boulevard and La Grange Avenue. This building was destroyed when a truck ran into it over 20 years ago. (Courtesy of Sawtelle Reunion)