2014 / Japanese American community in West Los Angeles to gather for “Sawtelle Reunion III” Oct. 19
Forwarded for Sawtelle Reunion 2014
Sawtelle Reunion III
Sunday, October 19, 2014, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm
West Los Angeles Buddhist Church, at Social Hall
2003 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles 90025
Remember our past, reflect on the future of our Sawtelle neighborhood, and renew friendships.
This non-sectarian event is open to all.
Registration at the door is $30, which includes light refreshments, beer and wine. Pre-registration is closed on October 1.
For more information, contact:
Hank Iwamoto, htiwamoto@gmail.com, (310) 837-6388
Judy Iwamoto Okita, mattie349@hotmail.com, (310) 473-0188
Lillian Matayoshi, lilmatayoshi@aol.com, (323) 633-1595
John Tsukahira, john.tsukahira60@gmail.com, (310) 390-6198