OnensembleThe story thus far...

30 years ago two childhood friends picked up the bachi for the first time.

Trained by taiko masters in the mountains of Northern California, the islands of Hawai’i and the streets of Tokyo, Shoji and Maz set off into the world to gather their own team of taiko heroes.

Many answered the call of the drum. Kris the vegan, bike commuting, namer of phrases was the first join.

Then Eien the beer sensei, master of the atarigane and vibraphone answered the call.

From the islands of Hawai’i Abe the smiling multi instrumentalist assassin joined the group.

Finally David a taiko hero from the next generation emerged to become a member.

Their group complete Shoji and Maz set off to create a new sound that would bring together their experiences playing in rock bands, producing electronic music, studying gamelan and traveling around the world learning and performing.

They practiced their melodies, odd meter grooves and improvisational skills and their group of taiko heroes became known throughout the land as On Ensemble.

Join us for two nights of great music at the Miles Memorial Playhouse.

On Ensemble: Taiko Heroes Concert
Friday Oct 24th 8:00pm
Saturday Oct 25th 8:00pm

$25 General Admission
Miles Memorial Playhouse
1130 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Tickets online at: