Woodward Park Shinzen Japansese Garden
114 West Audubon Drive, Fresno, CA 93720
Clark Bonsai Collection at Shinzen Garden
Grand Opening
October 17, 18, 10 am – 5 pm
Rebon Cutting on Saturday, October 17, at 5 pm
The Clark Center for Japanese Art and Culture in Hanford has transferred their extensive legacy bonsai collection to the Golden State Bonsai Federation for placement at the Shinzen Friendship Garden in Woodward Park, Fresno.
The new site will reflect the hide and reveal design of the Clark Center. Use of repurposed fencing, boulders and plantings, plus new features and landscape materials will create a beautiful home for the bonsai.
Through the work of many dedicated volunteers from the Fresno Bonsai Society, Shinzen, all led by Bob Hilvers and Sid Mukai, the new garden for the Clark Bonsai Collection will be a gift to many.