Forwarded for Skirball Cultural Center

Reading and Talks

Isadel Allende – The Japanese Lover

in conversation with Susan Orlean

Tuesday, December 1, 8:00 PM

Don’t miss Isabel AllendeNew York Times and internationally bestselling author of The House of the Spirits and Daughter of Fortune—discuss her latest book, The Japanese Lover, with author Susan Orlean.

In this exquisitely crafted novel, a love affair blossoms between Alma, a young Polish refugee living in San Francisco during World War II, and Ichimei, who shortly after meeting Alma is forcibly removed from his home and sent to live in an incarceration camp—like thousands of other Japanese Americans.

Throughout their lifetimes, Alma and Ichimei reunite again and again, but they are continually forced to hide their love from the world.

Sweeping through time and spanning continents, this multigenerational epic explores questions of identity, abandonment, redemption, and the unknowable impact of fate.

Signed books distributed at the program.

Arrive early to view the exhibition!—This program is presented in association with Manzanar: The Wartime Photographs of Ansel Adams, which will be open to program ticketholders from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.Admission

$28 plus tax (includes one ticket and one signed book)

Book Soup at the Skirball

Tickets on sale at  (310) 659-3110

Related to This Program: Exhibition

Manzanar: The Wartime Photographs of Ansel Adams  October 8, 2015–February 21, 2016