Andrew Casto, Assemblage 90, 2015, 20.5 x 9 x 20 in., ceramic luster. Photo courtesy of the artist

Andrew Casto, "Assemblage 90", 2015. 20.5 x 9 x 20 in., ceramic luster. Photo courtesy of the artist

The Scripps College Ceramic Annual

Jan. 23 – April 3, 2016

Forwarded for Scripps College

Exhibition Opening  

Saturday, January 23, 2016 from 7 to 9 pm  

Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery/Bixby Court

Presentation, January 23, 2016 from 4 to 5 pm

Humanities Auditorium, Scripps College

The Scripps College Ceramic Annual, the longest continuous exhibition of contemporary ceramics in the United States, will open for its 72nd year on Jan. 23, 2016, and will continue through April 3. A selection of hybrid works, this exhibition represents both emerging and well-established artists.

Susan Beiner, associate professor of art, ceramics, at Arizona State University, is the guest curator for the 72nd Scripps College Ceramic Annual. Beiner has selected works that explore the interrelationship between two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional ceramic works.

Artists are: Andrew Casto, Bryan Czibesz, Lauren Gallaspy, Oona Gardner, Brian Gillis, Julia Haft-Candell, Del Harrow, Paul Sacaridiz, and Amanda Small.

That same day, from 4-5 p.m. at the Scripps College Humanities Auditorium, a special lecture will be given, followed by the opening reception at the Williamson Gallery, with live music and light refreshments, from 7-9 p.m. These events are free and open to the public.

For more information, please visit the Williamson at

or contact Colleen Salomon at:

The Gallery would like to thank Kirk Delman, David Furman, the Jean and Arthur Ames Fund, the Joan and David Lincoln Endowment, the Pasadena Art Alliance, Skutt Ceramic Products, Inc., and the Paul Soldner Endowment at Scripps College for supporting the exhibition and catalog.

To view images from previous exhibitions please visit our Flickrpage!