2016 / L.A. City Council to vote to designate “Japanese Hospital” as Historic and Cultural Monument, Nov 1

Forwarded for the Little Tokyo Historical Society

NOTICE: Japanese Hospital Historic -Cultural Monument designation on Los Angeles City Council meeting agenda on Tue., Nov. 1 at 10:00am.

The Japanese Hospital Historic-Cultural Monument designation consideration is agenda item #8 at the City Council meeting this Tuesday (Nov. 1) morning.

This is the final step to list the building in Boyle Heights as HCM landmark status!  If you have an interest in and are able to attend to witness and record the momentous occasion we welcome LTHS’ visible and audible representation.

Regretfully and sadly, I and Kristen Hayashi (author of the HCM application) will not be able to attend due to our work schedule commitments and we are incredibly disappointed.

We do not know if there will be opportunities for public comments since a half-dozen LTHS members and friends did so at the City Council PLUM Committee meeting on Oct. 25 (please see “Public Input at City Council Meetings” below) where the 5 councilmembers unanimously voted to approve the HCM nomination recommended by the Cultural Heritage Commission in late July.

Agenda item #8: http://ens.lacity.org/clk/councilagendas/clkcouncilagendas3107254_11012016.html

Best regards,

