2016 / LACMA Event / Talk: Meditation and Art at L.A. Times Central Court, Dec. 15
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Talk: Meditation and Art
Thu, December 15, 2016, 4 PM
L.A. Times Central Court
In this world of speed and gadgets, it is hard to find moments of stillness and contemplation. Museums are ideal places in which to slow down and look. Join educator Alicia Vogl Saenz in a contemplative viewing experience followed by meditation in the exhibition Japanese Painting: From the Zen Mind. No meditation experience needed; instruction will be given.
Admission to the event will require two tickets: general admission to the museum and a free, separate event ticket. Since the meditation takes place in the galleries, attendance will be limited.
LACMA | L.A. Times Central Court
Free, with general admission; reservations required
Note: Reservations for this event are no longer available in advance. A standby line will form at 3:30 pm outside of the Hammer building on the day of this event.
Guests in the standby line will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, though unfortunately there is no guarantee of space being made available to guests in this line.