2017 / San Diego: 42nd annual Sumi-e Japanese brush painting exhibition at Balboa Park, Nov. 25, 26

Washu Fisherman Kakejiku

The annual exhibition, which is free to the public, will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 25th and 26th, 2017.

The exhibition will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 101, Casa del Prado,

Balboa Park, San Diego, California.

Visitors to the exhibition will see Japanese paintings in monochrome ink (suibokuga/sumi-e), paintings using both monochrome ink and color (nihonga and bokusaiga), and hanging scrolls (hakejiku).

The spiritual foundation of the monochrome ink painting technique suibokuga (sumi-e) originated in China by Ch’an (Zen) monks. The artistic technique was brought to Japan where the Japanese Zen “artists assimilated its influence and developed the art to a high individual character.”

The liveliness and spirit of the haboku (broken ink) and hatsuboku (splash ink) monochrome ink paintings highlight the Zen Buddhism characteristics of austerity, simplicity, asymmetry, and economy of statement.

Special painting demonstrations will be performed by Washu’s graduate student Louise Rendich (Rushu) on Saturday, November 25th. By Wendy C. Nakamura (Kakushu) on Sunday, November 26th 2017.

The exhibition will showcase wearable fashion art painted by Washu-Kai members. The wearable art fashion show will be on Sunday, November 26th at 2:15 p.m.

Ikebana floral arrangements will be by Grand Master Akiko Bourland of the Ohara School of Ikebana. She is the only Ohara ikebana member in the United States with the title of Founder Adviser; by Hiroko Szechinski, Director, San Diego Branch of Sogetsu School of Ikebana; and by Kyoko Womer of Teshigahara Wafukai.

Koto music will be performed by Masazumi Kai.

The Washu-Kai Japanese Brush Painting Society was founded by our master sensei Kazuko (Suzy) Reynolds (Washu) (1920-2011).

Contact: Joe Cross   sumijoe@gmail.com   (619) 584-7727
For more information the general public can call: Balboa Park Visitors Center (619) 239-0512