2018 / Ohio & Michigan: Public invited to “Japan-U.S. Relations in the Changing World: North Korea, China, and America First” Lecture on Jan. 31, Feb. 2

Announcement by the Consulate-General of Japan in Detroit

Doshisha University Professor Naoyuki Agawa to speak at Ohio State University on January 31

WHAT: The Institute for Japanese Studies Lecture Series, supported by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center, and Consulate General of Japan in Detroit, presents a lecture by Naoyuki Agawa of Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.

WHEN:  5:00-5:45 p.m. lecture followed by 6:15-7:00 p.m. reception, Wednesday, Jan. 31, free and open to the public

WHERE:  Ohio State University, Page Hall, 020  (1810 College Rd, Columbus, OH 43210)

TOPIC: “Japan-U.S. Relations in the Changing World: North Korea, China, and America First”

Doshisha University Professor Naoyuki Agawa to Speak at University of Michigan on February 2

WHAT: The Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Michigan and the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit, presents a lecture by Naoyuki Agawa of Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.

WHEN:  6:30-8:00 p.m., Friday, Feb. 2. This event is free and open to the public.

WHERE:  University of Michigan, Weiser Hall, Room 110, 500 Church St., Ann Arbor

TOPIC: “Japan-U.S. Relations in the Changing World: North Korea, China, and America First”

Synopsis: The world seems to be going through many fundamental changes. While they require careful examination and response, they can produce frustration, uneasiness, and uncertainty among peoples and countries of the world.

North Korea presents a prime example of these changes wherein Mr. Kim Jong Un seems to be succeeding in transforming his regime into a country capable of launching an ICBM targeted at Washington. China’s ascent to a dominant power status is a change achieved in a relatively short span of time with far-reaching impact on the world order. Mr. Trump’s presidency is a big change for the world.

While nothing is wrong about his America First policy, questions remain whether his means and style can be successful in achieving it. His decisions to withdraw from TPP, the Paris Accord, the Iran nuclear deal and other international commitments the world has taken for granted may do great harm to the global community as well as weaken the United States, contrary to his intent.

The presentation will survey these and argue that close Japan-U.S. cooperation in the area of security, economy, trade and investment is the key to better cope with these serious challenges benefiting the two countries as well as the whole Indo-Pacific region of the world.

WHO: Naoyuki Agawa teaches American constitutional law and history as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. He was also with Keio University in Tokyo, where he was Professor of Policy Management; Vice President, International and Dean of the Faculty of Policy Management.

Mr. Agawa graduated, magna cum laude, from the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and from the Georgetown University Law Center. Mr. Agawa has also taught at University of Virginia Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, and Tokyo University.

Mr. Agawa has practiced law with prominent law firms in Tokyo and in Washington, D.C. He is licensed to practice law in D.C and in New York. He was also with the legal department of Sony Corporation.

Mr. Agawa served as Minister for Public Affairs in charge of public diplomacy and press relations at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C. He serves on various occasions in an advisory role to the government of Japan. This includes his membership of CULCON, a group that advises the Japanese and U.S. governments on matters related to cultural and educational exchanges.  He is also the author of several books.

About the Consulate-General of Japan in Detroit

The Consulate-General of Japan in Detroit was established in 1993 by the Government of Japan to serve in the states of Michigan and Ohio.  The Detroit office is one of 14 Japanese Consulates General in the United States.

The Consulate strives to promote better understanding of Japan and Japanese culture through educational and cultural programs.  The office protects the interests of Japanese citizens and strengthens the Japan-U.S. alliance through furthering relations with local governments, companies, educational institutions, cultural organizations and the general public.

For more information, visit www.detroit.us.emb-japan.go.jp/ or call (313) 567-0120.