Manzanar Enterance Adams

The enterance of Manazanar Internmanet Camp. Photo by Ansel Adams. Source: National Park Service

Independence, CA (Dec. 22, 2018)  – Due to the lapse of appropriations and the subsequent shutdown of the federal government, Manzanar National Historic Site is closed for the safety of visitors and park resources.

Many other national park sites across the country will remain as accessible as possible while still following all applicable laws and procedures.

Park roads, lookouts, trails and open-air memorials will remain accessible to visitors, but emergency and rescue services will be limited.

Please visit  and select “Find a Park” for additional information about access to other parks and sites in this area.

However, note that because of the federal government shutdown, NPS social media and websites are not being monitored or updated and may not reflect current conditions.

For updates on the shutdown, please visit


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Source:   Updated Dec 22, 2018, 2:18pm EST