2019 / Japanese language programing to begin on Channel 44.1 (KXLA), March 31
Japan Hollywood Network (www.jhollywoodnet.com), a Japanese-language broadcaster throughout Los Angeles and Orange County, will begin free weekly broadcasting on Channel 44.1 (KXLA) starting 6:30 PM on Sunday, March 31, 2019.
JHN has been broadcasting on KSCI (CH 18.1), however, due to viewer’s demands, JHN has decided to share Channel 44.1 (KXLA) with other broadcaster for increase Japanese language airing time.
JHN’s broadcasting on Channel 18.1will end on March 24, 2019.
Programming will be as follows:
Every Sunday broadcast at KXLA, Channel 44.1.
6:30 pm “KEMPO TV” (4/5 start, Produced by KEMPO TV)
6:40 pm ” Bananaman’s Gotcha Gourmet!”
6:55 pm ” SoCal Japan” / “Public Announcement” (with English Subtitles)
7:00 pm ” AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo 17 ” (with English Subtitles)
The above Japanese language programs are available at KXLA, Channel 44.1.
For cable listing, visit http://www.kxlatv.com/cable-listings.html
For details about the programs, visit www.jhollywoodnet.com
For inquiry, email info@jhollywoodnet.com.