Love to Nippon 2019, the 8th Anniversary Memorial Pays Tribute to
The March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami
12:00 pm on Sunday, March 10, 2019 at LAPD HQs
# 1 Stage (1st Street Side)
MCs: Janet LeBlanc & Lori Gardea, Board Members of Love to Nippon Project
10:30 - 2:30 pm L.A. County Fire Department Fire Truck on 1st St.
12:00 - 2:15 pm Registration Desk Opens:
Love to Nippon Project Information, Media Desk, Merchandises Desk
12:00 - 2:15 pm Booths:
Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate, Tochigi & Kumamoto Prefectural Organizations of Southern California
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) & Japan Airlines
12:20 - 12:40 pm Japanese Taiko Tribute:
UCLA Kyodo Taiko First Performance
Sophia Inaba, Kellie Lee, Minami Sasaki, Lindsay Masukawa, Kyle Nakahira, Bradley Nishida, Gianna Furumoto, Isaac Caldas, Jason Muljadi, Brandon Fujii, Kiana Shibata, Cade Okohira, Mattie Kao, Reilly Terao, Michael Tabe
12:40 -1:00 pm & 2:30 - 2:50 pm Flamenco Dance Tribute:
Mikaela Kai, Yoko Shibata, Mayumi Hayasaka
2:50 - 3:10 pm Japanese Taiko Tribute:
UCLA Kyodo Taiko Second Performance
Lindsay Masukawa, Kyle Nakahira, Co-Directors, UCLA Kyodo Taiko
# 2 Stage (LAPD HQs Main Entrance Area)
MCs: Lori Gardea & Janet LeBlanc
11:55 - 12:00 pm Greetings & Introductions of Stage #1 and Stage #2
12:00 - 12:20 pm Shinto Ceremony:
Izumi Hasegawa, Senior Priest of Shusse Inari Shrine of America
12:20 - 2:30 pm Booths:
Los Angeles County Fire Department Preparedness Information
“Kata tataki” by Dr. DoAnn T. Kaneko
12:40 - 12:45 pm MCs: Lori Gardea & Janet LeBlanc
2:30 - 2:50 pm Japanese Martial Art Demonstrations:
Southern California Kendo Organization (SCKO)
Sharon Kumagai, Mai Mori, Koji Mori, Shigei Nakamura, Yujin Takayanagi, Sullivan Bryant, Katie Kamimoto, Kouji Kamimoto
# 3 Stage (LAPD HQs Upper Garden)
MCs: Lori Gardea, Toby Mallen of NBFK and Kay Kayoko Inose, Kitty Sankey of Japanese Women’s Society of Southern California
12:00 - 2:30 pm Flower Offering Desk
12:45 - 12:50 pm Love to Nippon Project Greetings & Introductions
12:50 - 1:00 pm National Anthems of the United States of America and Japan: Sung by Noi Maeshige
1:00 - 1:45 pm Interfaith Service:
Rev. Masaaki Shiraiwa, Union Church of Los Angeles
Rabbi Shalom Rubanowitz, Pacific Jewish Center “The Shul on the Beach” in Venice
Nikkei Interfaith Group of Little Tokyo and Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation
Rev. Join Inoue, Minister of Nichirenshu Temple
Rev. Nobuko Miyoshi, Minister of West Covina Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple
Rev. Peter Hata, Minister of Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple
Rev. William Briones, Rev. Kazuaki Nakata, Ministers of Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Rev. Shumyo Kojima, Head Priest, Rev. Daiki Toho of Zenshuji Soto Mission Temple
Rev. Ryuzen Hayashi, Rev. Daichi Kihara, Ministers of Koyasan Temple
Rev. Mark Nakagawa, Centenary United Methodist Church
1:00 - 1:45 pm Japanese Traditional Music Tribute:
Koto: Yukiyo Shelley Ikebe of Los Angeles Todo-Kai
Guitar: Ken Glaser, Shakuhachi: Greg Matsuura
1:45 - 2:00 pm Music Tribute:
“Hana Wa Saku” by the Students of the Japanese Language School Unified System
“Hands in the Sun” 「手のひらを太陽に」 Takako Osumi (Conductor)
2:00 - 2:15 pm Introduction of Fire Chief Daryl L. Osby, Los Angeles County Fire Department
Presentation on Natural Disaster Preparedness
2:15 - 2:20 pm Appreciation Remarks:
Deputy Consul General Hiroki Matsuo, Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles
2:20 - 2:30 pm Closing Remarks:
Doug Erber, President of Japan America Society of Southern California (JASSC)
Masako Unoura-Tanaka, Founder of Love to Nippon Project & member, Board of Governors, JASSC
3.11 Memorial - Be Prepared Los Angeles -
Presented by: Love to Nippon Project
Love to Nippon 2019 is generously hosted by LAPD HQs
Supported by: Consulate General of Japan Los Angeles
Japan America Society of Southern California, NBFK and others
Love to Nippon 2020 will be held on March 8, 2020 & see you again!
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