Forwarded for the Veterans Memorial Court Alliance
The Go For Broke Spirit: Legacy in Portraits
Photography by Shane Sato
Stories and video by Robert Horsting & Shane Sato
Veteran’s Forum – Saturday, November 9, 2019, 1:00PM
George G. Doizaki Gallery at the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, 244 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Free to the public
Please join us for this panel discussion and public dialog.
Panel participants are veterans Yosh Nakamura (WWII), Richard Iseri (Korean War), David Miyoshi and Chris Segawa (Vietnam), James Nakamura (Gulf War).
They will be joined by photographer Shane Sato. Oral Historian Robert M. Horsting will serve as the moderator.
The panel discussion will focus on the individual experiences of these veterans from wars where they looked like the enemy to the current conflict in the Gulf region.
Topics will include fighting in a war where the goal was clear and internationally supported (WWII), the “Forgotten” War in Korea, the turn of public support during Vietnam, and our longest sustained conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The “Legacy in Portraits” exhibit presented by the Veterans Memorial Court Alliance aims to raise awareness of the Japanese American National War Memorial Court and highlight the sacrifice of those of Japanese heritage who died in service to America, from the Spanish American War to the Gulf Wars.
This exhibit was made possible in part by grants from the JA Community Foundation and California Humanities Foundation and hosted by Japanese American Cultural & Community Center.
Exhibit hours are from 12:00-4:00 PM, Wed.-Sun., November 3-24
Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
Doizaki Gallery, 244 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012