Mikko Haggott Henson

Ms. Mikko Haggott Henson of Redondo Beach, who dedicated her life to serving as a bridge between the U.S. and Japan, passed away on June 20, 2022. She was 85.

Her funeral is set for Saturday, August 13, 2033 at 2:30 p.m. at the Fruit of the Spirit Lutheran Church, 2706 West 182nd Street, Torrance, CA 90504.

Born in Tokyo in February 1937, as Misako Arimoto, she was the youngest daughter of Shiro Arimoto, founder of Shibaura Institute of Technology in Tokyo.

Mikko married with Ben Haggott, vice chairman of the Metropolitan Water District in 1967. Mikko became a naturalized citizen in 1977 and her husband Ben Haggott passed away in 1982. She remarried in 1985 to a veterinarian, Barry J. Henson, who passed away in 2020.

Since 1970s, she led the sister city relationship between Torrance and Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture including establishment of “Bunka Sai” Japanese cultural showcases.

Since 1980s, she started to promote traditional Japanese music.  In 1992, she founded a nonprofit called the Japanese Traditional Performing Arts Organization (www.JTPAO.org) to introduce, promote and preserve Japanese traditional cultural arts in the U.S.

Since 2000s, she rediscovered histories and activities by Japanese Christians in Japan and Southern California. She brough Japanese films about Christian activities to Los Angeles, and published a Japanese book about the Japanese orphanage in Los Angeles.


Mikko Arimoto Henson (AKA Mikko Haggott, Katada Kikusa) Bio

Born in Tokyo, Japan in February 1937, Mikko Arimoto Henson is the youngest daughter of Shiro Arimoto, founder of Shibaura Institute of Technology in Tokyo.

In 1962, Mikko participated in a two-week English language immersive program in Karuizawa.  Ben Haggott was the instructor. Ben was a residence of Torrance California. He sponsored Mikko to come to US to go to school in 1964. Three years later they were married.

Soon after settling in Torrance, Mikko began her pursuit of preserving flowers and establishing herself as an artist. Mikko’s work, “The Art of Preserving Flowers” has been exhibited at many places including Los Angeles County Natural Museum (1968) and LA County Botanic Gardens.  Mikko’s work has also been featured in the news, including on the Channel 7 TV News program (1975) and in newspapers like the LA Times (1969) and the Torrance Daily Breeze (1974).

In the 1960, many Japanese companies began establishing offices in the Torrance area. Which resulted in bringing Japanese families to Torrance. Having grown up in Japan during World War II, Mikko realized that there were number of misconceptions existed between both countries and see the needs to increase cultural awareness with the hope that, through mutual understanding to live in harmony. As such she began volunteering in the community to introduce Japanese culture, visiting elementary schools to present lectures to students. She created the Japanese language book section in the Torrance Library (1975). In 1980, in collaboration with the Torrance School District and the City of Torrance, Mikko organized a 10-day Cross Cultural education event for all fourth graders in the Torrance School. As a result of her efforts and volunteer work, Mikko was recognized as “the Volunteer of the Year” from Torrance and National Recreation & Park Association in 1980.

In 1973, Mikko helped establish sister cities relationship between Torrance and Kashiwa. She founded the Torrance Sister City Association and became first president in 1976 and established many annual programs such as Bunka-Sai, Students Exchange, Native English teacher to Kashiwa program which continues to this day. Under Mikko’s leadership (1976-1990), the Torrance Sister City Association received 8 awards from the Sister Cities International and is regarded as a model sister city in US.

Mikko has received several awards over the years in recognition of her community volunteering efforts, including the “South Bay YWCA Woman of the Year Awards” in 1986, the “Woman in the History of Torrance” in 1988, the “Sidney Jared Torrance Award” (Highest Honor in Torrance) in 2002, the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce and Japanese Businessman’s Association “Friendship Awards” in 2009.

From 1978 to 1984, Mikko worked as a Curriculum Associate at the Department of Curriculum and instruction at Education Department of USC. and an evaluator of Bilingual, Bicultural Teacher Certification test.

From 1980 to 1982, Mikko worked with the UCLA Fine Arts Department on a special summer project to bring notable Japanese classical dance artists, music and drama masters from Japan. Mikko even took Hayashi (Japanese classic percussion) lessons herself taught by Grand Master Katada Kisaku, a designated National Treasure of Japan. This artform had died down after the war in US. She wanted to revive this artform in LA and after many years of training Mikko became Natori, given the name of Katada Kikusa by Grand Master in 1986. She performed, lectured and taught at many places including JACCC, and she was recognized as a master artist by California Arts Council. She received “Fine Arts Awards” from Torrance in 1987. She founded a nonprofit organization called the “Japanese Traditional Performing Art Organization” (www.JTPAO.org) in 1992, to introduce, promote and preservation of Japanese traditional cultural arts in US. As a president of JTPAO and as a musician Katada KIkusa, Mikko had received many grants for her activities and has lectured at many schools. Mikko also produced many performing arts programs at Aratani Theater in Little Tokyo and Armstrong Theater in Torrance and has invited number of renowned Japanese artist from Japan for these arts program.

In 1984, Mikko became involved in the Los Angles Olympic Committee and worked from 1982 for two years and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Committee for one year as Japanese language specialist and advisor.  Mikko also volunteered at both Olympic events.

In 1988, Mikko qualified for and became a contracted interpreter for the US State Department. As an interpreter, Mikko accompanied Japanese politicians and VIP visiting the United States.

Mikko’s skills in organization led her to be a project director of many events such as “Tomihiro (Japan’s famous mouth painter/poet) in LA” a 10-day long arts exhibit in 2001. Mikko also worked as a project director of the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Japanese American Church Federation of Southern California which took place in 2013. Both events took two years of planning and preparation.

Starting in 2007, Mikko began to introduce Japanese historical movies made by Gendai Production in LA. such as “Fudeko and Angel’s Piano” “Thank you Daddy Ishii” “Before the Dawn” “Nostalgic for Homeland”etc. All proceeds generated by this movie project are donated to charities like the Little Tokyo Service Center, the Keiro Home, a special education school in Torrance and the Japanese American Church Federation of SC.

In 2010, Mikko established the “Arimoto Memorial Scholarship Endowment” at UC Irvine to honor her father and to encourage Japanese youth to study in California. To date, Mikko has supported over 20 students with scholarships that allow them to participate in a three-month study program at UC Irvine.

In 2016, Mikko published a book called “Rokuichi and Yasuko’s Shonien” in Japan. She spent ten years researching the history of Japanese immigrants to Los Angles and a specific story of a man, Joy Kusumoto and his adopted daughter, Grace Kusumoto who established a home for orphans 100 years ago in Los Angeles and 80 years ago in China with the support of Southern California Japanese Community. She had been lecturing whenever possible to introduce this history and inspiring individual.

In 2017, Mikko’s lifelong dedication of fostering Japan-US relationship was recognized when she was named as a “Woman of the Year” by the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and Japanese Woman’s Society of Southern California.

Mikko became a naturalized citizen in 1977 and her husband Ben Haggott, Vice Chairman of the Board, Metropolitan Water District, passed away in 1982. She later remarried in 1985 to a veterinarian, Barry J. Henson who also passed away in 2020.

At present time she is working on 50th Anniversary of Torrance and Kashiwa Sister City Celebration which will be in 2023.