LOS ANGELES (Cultural News: Forwarded for Japanese American Cultural & Community Center) - JACCC’s 42nd Anniversary Celebration is quickly approaching! We are excited that you can now bid on our Online Wine/Spirit items and preview our Live Auction items ( e.givesmart.com/r/mRQdeWm2d8nVL/e/w2E/ ).
The online GiveSmart auction is now (June 12) open and will close on Thursday, June 22nd at 12:01 am. Experience an extraordinary array of wines expertly crafted by accomplished Japanese American winemakers, alongside classic Japanese spirits. Our auction provides a convenient opportunity to acquire exclusive and limited beverages, all in a single location, while also supporting the JACCC in achieving our fundraising objectives.
Undoubtedly, one of the most anticipated moments during the event is our thrilling Live Auction. Many attendees have come to expect exclusive and highly coveted "one-of-a-kind" experiences and this year will again, not disappoint. For a sneak peek, click here and select the "View Items" button — there is more to come.