The annual Buddhist gathering for celebrating the birth of Buddha on April 10 will change the program to mourn for the victims of the Japan earthquake.

The regular Hanamatsuri celebration for Buddha’s birth is full of festivities. But this time, the Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation, organizer of the event, will hold a memorial service for those who lost their lives in the tragedy and will also offer their encouragement to the multitudes of people still suffering from the loss of family and friends, from loss of livelihood, and from the continuing anxiety regarding threat of radioactive fallout.

Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation is an inter-denominational Japanese Buddhist organization in Southern California.   It consists of Los Angeles Hompa (Nishi) Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple, Koyasan Buddhist Temple, Zenshuji Soto Mission, Nichiren Shu Beikoku Betsuin, Jodoshu North America Buddhist Missions, and Long Beach Buddhist Church.

The memorial service for victims of Japan tragedy will take place on Sunday, April 10, at 1 pm at Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, 815 East First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

For more information, contact Rev. Bill Briones at (213) 680-9130 or email


The Hanamatsuri Celebration of the Buddha’s Birth will be held on Sunday, April 10 from 1:00 pm at the Nishi Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin Temple, 815 East First Street in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

The celebration will begin at 1:00 pm with the Hanamatsuri Service conducted by over ten priests of the temples of the Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation.  The traditional chanting of the priests will again be enhanced by the music of Kinnara Gagaku of the Senshin Buddhist Temple.  An awards presentation for the winners of this year’s Children’s Art and Photography contests will take place immediately after the service.

Hanamatsuri Dr Rchicard Payne

Dr. Richard Payne will lecture at Celebration of Buddha's Birth on April 10.

This year’s highlight will be the commemorative lecture to be delivered by Dr. Richard Payne, Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California and one of country’s leading Buddhist scholars.  He will be speaking on the provocative theme of “Who’s Buddha?  Whose Buddha?: Sharing Stories about Buddhas.”

In addition to the celebration on April 10, the annual Hanamatsuri Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, March 25 at California Country Club.  The funds raised at this event will go towards maintaining the annual LABCC Buddhist Summer Camp program.

The Hanamatsuri Children’s Art and Photo exhibition will be on display at the temple during the day. Also, a light lunch will be served from 12 noon for a nominal fee.

For more information, contact (213) 626-4200 or