5500 Performing Arts and Music
2016 / Zen temple’s taiko concert to feature New York-based renowned shakuhachi player on June 4
Zenshuji Soto Mission and Zendeko taiko group present a one-time concert in Los Angeles with the theme of “Saiten: Cele…
2016 / Shochiku to present Kabuki featuring Ichikawa Somegoro at MGM Las Vegas, May 3-7
MGM Resorts International will host “Japan Kabuki Festival in Las Vegas 2016” from Tuesday, May 3 – Saturday, May 7.
In t…
2016 / Kabuki music program to be presented at Cal State Fullerton, March 5
Department of Modern Language and Literatures, California State University, Fullerton and Minori-Kai & Member…
2016 / Kabuki style music classes open at Hollywood, Venice, and Oxnard
Fuji Japanese Music provides classes of
Shamisen, voice, kotsuzumi, and taiko for adults
Taiko for children
Fuji Japa…
2016 / Huntington’s Japanese Garden hosts Hina Doll event by Japanese children, Feb. 28
Hinamatsuri show of Kodomo no ie Kindergarten was performed at the Japanese Garden of the Huntington Library on Sunday…
2016 / Comical Japanese stories to be performed in “Rakugo” style in Arizona, Feb. 25-28
The Japanese Culture Club of Arizona and Canary English Rakugo Company in Tokyo present “Japan’s Traditional S…
2016 / Okinawa lecture to focus on traditions of Lunar New Year, Feb. 6
Forwarded for the Okinawa Association of America
Lunar New Year’s Traditions in Okinawa: Lecture and Performance
On S…
2016 / UCLA Lecture: Nationalism and Vitalism on the Okinawa Stage, Jan. 25
UCLA Colloquium
January 25, 2016 | 12:30 - 2:00 PM
Nationalism and Vitalism on the Okinawan Stage
UCLA Royce Hall 314
2016 / Japan Foundation Lecture Series: Introducing Kabuki, Jan 19, 7:00PM
Japan Foundation Los Angeles Lecture Series 32
Introducing Kabuki: History, Aesthetics, and Star Power
Tuesday, Jan…
2015 / Veteran Japanese folk song instructor Matsutoyo Sato and her students to present their 50th anniversary program, Nov. 29
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Japanese folk song instruction by Mem. Matsutoyo Sato in California, her scho…