2018 / Pasadena Japanese garden hosting “Mirage: Kimono Silk as Pigment by Sumi Foley” at its En Gallery, June 8 – July 29
Mirage: Kimono Silk as Pigment by Sumi Foley
June 8 – July 29
En Gallery at Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden
270 Arlingto…
2017 / Los Angeles: Kimono class and drumming class at tea house in Glendale, Nov. 19
Shoseian “Whispering Pine” Tea House
Brand Library Park, 1601 West Mountain Street, Glendale, CA 91201
Kimono Class –…
2015 / Japanese kimono and antiques holiday sale near Little Tokyo, thru Dec. 31
Fashion designer Peter Lai creates his dream “Japanese Village” in the space of 5,000 sq ft. loft near Little Tokyo.
2015 / Amami islanders to celebrate its 40th anniversary with island folk song shows at Armstrong Theatre, Oct. 17
Southern California Amamikai or Amami Association will celebrate its 40th anniversary with stage events on Saturday…
2015 / “Art of the Samurai” exhibition at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Nov. 1 - Mar. 1, 2015
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Art of the Samurai: Swords, Paintings, Prints, and Textiles
Pavilion for Japanese Art…
2015 / Two-hour multimedia kimono dressing presentation at Irvine Valley College, Feb. 8
Two-hour multimedia kimono dressing presentation will be held at the Performing Arts Center of Irvine Valley College…
2014 / "Kimono for a Modern Age" exhibition, July 5 - Oct. 19 at Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Forwarded for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles County Museum of Art / Kimono for a Modern Age
The Pavilion…
2014 / Nisei Week fashion event to feature kimono and contemporary design with Okinawan tradition, July 27
Forwarded for the Nisei Week Foundation
Nisei Week Fashion Event “Kimono Couture”
Sunday, July 27, 2014, 3:00pm