Manzanar National Historic Site
2017 / Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute to host “Vision of the Japanese American Incarceration 1942-2017” exhibition, April 15
The Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute will be having a one day art show called, "Visions of the Japanese Ameri…
2017 / Los Angeles Day of Remembrance 2017, multimedia program supporting civil rights, to be held Feb. 18
LOS ANGELES, January 25, 2017 — The Los Angeles Day of Remembrance 2017, a multimedia, multicultural program supporti…
2016 / Wartime mural painted by Japanese American internee to be unveiled at Manzanar, April 9
In celebration of the Inyo County Sesquicentennial and the National Park Service Centennial, Eastern California Mus…
2015 / Manzanar opens long-awaited barracks exhibits
Manzanar National Historic Site News Release, April 16, 2015
During World War II, more than 10,000 Japanese Americans…
2014 / Manzanar At Dusk: College-Age Youth Taking Charge, April 26
PILGRIMAGE: Seats still available on bus to 45th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage from Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES — College st…
2014 / Manzanar’s Japanese garden restoration project recognized nationally
The Society for History in the Federal Government has presented the 2014 John Wesley Powell Prize for Outstanding Hist…
2013 / Manzanar National Historic Site to host author lectures and oral history video screening for Summer 2013
This summer, Manzanar will host two authors and series of oral history video screenings. All programs are free and open…
2013 / Japanese garden tour to be held at Manzanar, July 27
Manzanar National Historic Site
Quite Beauty: Japanese Gardens of North America
Saturday, July 27, 2013, 10 am Walk &…
2013 / 44th annual Manzanar pilgrimage to commemorate Japanese Americans’ war time internment, April 27
Manzanar National Historic Site invites the public to participate in the April 26-28 weekend of special activi…
2013 / Manzanar: Grandson of camp photographer to be invited for Day of Remembrance, Feb 17, 18
Manzanar National Historic Site will hold the special program in honor of the Day of Remembrance, an annual observatio…