Manzanar National Historic Site
2011 / Manzanar Historic Site to host “Bronzeville” play, May 20-23
In Spring 1942, the U.S. Army forcibly removed more than 110,000 Japanese Americans from their West Coast homes; over 1…
2011 / Manzanar National Historic Site: Two authors of “Wherever There’s Fight” to speak at Day of Remembrance event, Feb 19-20
Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi’s book, Wherever There’s a Fight; How Runaway Slaves, Suffragists, Immigrants, Striker…
2010 / Manzanar National Historic Site: Volunteer Day, Oct 30
Manzanar National Historic Site is hosting its 3rd Annual Volunteer Day on Saturday, October, 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:0…
2010 / Manznar National Historic Site: Docent Programs, Sept 25, Oct 9, 10, Nov 13, 14
Fall 2010 Docent Programs at Manzanar
The programs are free and open to the public. Manzanar National Historic Site Int…
2010 / Manzanar: Summer 2010 Docent Program
The programs are free and open to the public. Manzanar National Historic Site Interpretive Center is located at 5001 Hi…
2010 / National Park Service invites public to Manzanar Pilgrimage, April 23, 24
Manzanar National Historic Site invites the public to participate in a weekend of special activities surrounding the…
2010 / Wartime Japanese internment to be remembered at 41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage, Apr 24
To learn wartime Japanese internment experiences, the 41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage will take place on Saturday, A…