USC Pacific Asia Museum
Protected: 2019 / USC Pacific Asia Museum “Tsuruya Kōkei: Modern Kabuki Prints Revised & Revisited” Feb. 8 – July 14
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Protected: 2019 / USC Lecture -- “Private Connoisseurs, Public Collections: A West Coast Perspective on Collecting Japanese Prints in the U.S.” Feb. 7
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2016 / USC Pacific Asia Museum is closed for seismic retrofit from June 26
Forwarded for the USC Pacific Asia Museum
Our historic home was built in 1924, so it's time for some work!
USC Pacific Asi…
2016 / USC Pacific Asia Museum "The View from a Scholar's Studio" May 2015 - June 26, 2016
USC Pacific Asia Museum
Frank and Toshie Mosher Gallery of Japanese Art
The View from a Scholar’s Studio: Japanese Lit…
2016 / USC Pacific Asia Museum "The Art of Princely Court in 15th-centry China" Feb. 26 - June 26
USC Pacific Asia Museum
Royal Taste: The Art of Princely Courts in Fifteenth-Century China
February 26 through June 26…
2015 / Ikko Style: The Graphic Art of Ikko Tanaka, Apr 02 - Aug 02
USC Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena
April 2 - August 2, 2015
Ikko Style: The Graphic Art of Ikko Tanaka presents the wo…
2015 / Museum discussion about modern Japanese designer Ikko Tanaka, May 30
Upcoming Events at USC Pacific Asia Museum
USC Pacific Asia Mseum
46 North Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena, California 911…
2015 / Authors on Asia Series to feature Gil Garcetti, author of “Japan: A Reverence for Beauty” May 3
USC Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena
Authors on Asia Series, Sunday, May 3 at 2:00 PM
Gil Garcetti, author of “Japan: A Rev…
2015 / Japanese Hanga of the 20th Century, One year exhibition closing April 19
USC Pacific Asia Museum
A New Way Forward: Japanese Hanga of the 20th Century
April 25, 2014 through April…
2015 / USC Pacific Asia Museum to present Japanese Cultural Festival with free admission, April 12
USC Pacific Asia Museum presents Free Second Sunday and Japanese Cultural Festival on April 12, this Sunday.
Free admi…
2015 / "Insight: The Path of Bodhidharma" exhibition at USC Pacific Asia Museum, Sep 19, 2014 - Feb. 15, 2015
USC Pacific Asia Museum
Insight: The Path of Bodhidharma
The Focus Gallery
September 19, 2014 through Fe…