Cultural News Editor Shige Higashi holds June 2019 issue of Cultural News.

Cultural News 2019 June issue on sale now

From Cultural News Editor, Shige Higashi

June 2019 issue of Cultural News is on sale for $4 per copy now. To buy eNewspaper version of Cultural News, visit

The Japanese Pavilion at the Los Angeles County Museum is close now, but major Japanese art exhibitions are opening at Washington DC and Sacrament, California.

At the National Gallery of Art in Washington, “The Life of Animals in Japanese Art” is on view now with the major support of the Japan Foundation. From Haniwa to contemporary artworks, more than 300 animal featured pieces are on view at the East Building of the National Gallery.

I watched the opening event on June 5 through YouTube live streaming from Washington DC and I felt I should view the exhibition by myself. I found a cheap ticket for $300 to fly to Washington DC area. I will fly in the mid night of June 25, and stay one night on June 26, and return to Los Angeles on June 27.

The same exhibition will come to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in September, but number of the artworks are reduced for the limit of the exhibition space in the LACMA.

At the Crocker Art Museum in Sacrament, a major retrospective of Okayama-born Chiura Obata is on view now. University of California Merced Art History Professor, Dr. ShiPu Wang, curated “Chiura: Obata: An American Modern” with more than 100 artworks. This exhibition already traveled to the Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art, and after Sacrament, the exhibition will go to the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC.

Chiura Obata’s son, architect Gyo Obata, is featured at the one-hour video program “Masters of Modern Design” produced by the Japanese American National Museum’s media center and was on air by public broadcasting station KCET in Los Angeles. After the on air, the video streaming is available for free at the KCET website.

The June 2019 issue of Cultural News also features Bonodori schedule at Buddhist temples and community centers in Southern California, USA Judo Hall of Fame/Class of 2019, and more.

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