Forwarded for Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M) Recruitment Center for Be the match


Video of Kazumi (English) (Japanese)


Kazumi is a beloved wife, mother and Japanese school teacher.

Unfortunately, she was recently diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and needs your help to fight this cancer!

Please register to become a bone marrow donor today and save a life!

Patients like Kazumi are more likely to find their stem cell or bone marrow match with someone that share a similar ethnic background.

Text Hope4Kazumi to 61474 to join today
Register Online @ https://Join.BeTheMatch.Org/Hope4Kazumi


Things to Know Before You Join

  • Today is an online sign up to join the Be the Match registry only,
  • You will only be asked to donate if you are a match.
  • If you are a match, please be willing to do either donation process.

Only 1 out of 430 people come up as a Match and Donor

PBSC (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell) donation is a non-surgical,outpatient procedure called apheresis. The donor receives a drug called filgrastim for 5 days prior to donation that increases the number of cells in the bloodstream.

The cells are then collected during donation. The donor may experience head or muscle aches that disappear shortly after donation, and are typically back to their normal routine in 1 to 2 days.

Marrow Donation is a surgical, outpatient procedure that takes place in a hospital operating room. While the donor is under anesthesia, doctors collect marrow from the back of their pelvic bone using a syringe. After donation, donors may feel soreness in the lower back. Donors are typically back to their normal routine in 2 to 7 days.

Please Note:
Swab Kits should arrive within 3-5 business days after online registration. Please swab using the kit mailed to your home, and mail it back to us. The envelopes are pre-stamped!

Text Hope4Kazumi to 61474 to join today
Register Online @ https://Join.BeTheMatch.Org/Hope4Kazumi