Free Webinar – Overall / Wooden Chopsticks, Metal Chopsticks, Grab Japanese and Korean Culture through the Language, Nov. 18, 7PM, PT



Saturday, January 8, 2022, 1pm-2;30pm, PST
The First Dance of the New Year
Presented by Bando Ryu Kyo no Kai
By invitation only. Zoom link to follow. RSVP:


Thursday, November 18, 7pm, PT
Virtual Lecture / Wooden Chopsticks, Metal Chopsticks, Grab Japanese and Korean Culture through the Language
Presented by the Japan Foundation Los Angeles
Free admission. Registration required at


Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 7:00PM (PT)
Online Event – A Lecture and Demonstration by Shozo Michikawa
Presented by Japan Foundation Los Angeles


Thursday, November 11, 7-8pm, EST
Free Webinar /  Eiichi Shibusawa: The Spirit of the Japanese Ethical Capitalism & Sustainability
Presented by The Japan Society, New York


Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 7:00-8:30pm, PT
Online Workshop / Find a Season in the Words: Haiku Workshop for Beginners (Autumn)
Presented by Japan Foundation Los Angeles in collaboration with Suiho-En, the Donal Tillman Japanese Garden
Free. For more information. visit


Saturday, November 6, 2021 (Every Saturday)
Virtual Nihon Buyo by Bando Hirohichiro
Hosted by East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center in West Covina, CA


Friday, November 05, 6:00PM-8:00PM, ET
Japanese Cooking Class – Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki
Sponsored by the Japan-America Society of Washington, D.C.
Registration fee: $10 for JASWDC members, $20 for non-members
Registration at:

Okonomiyaki is a type of savory pancake. Both Osaka and Hiroshima are famous for their different styles of okonomiyaki, with Hiroshima-style okonmiyaki being famous for including soba noodles and its unique cooking method.

Japanese Cooking Class is part of Beyond Tokyo series for Sakura Marsuri 2021.


Thursday, October 28, 2021, 5 pm, ET
Zoom Meeting / The Luxurious Garden and the Gratification of Retreat
Hosted by Asia Week New York


Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 5pm – 6:15pm, PT
Webinar / MA in Contemporary Japanese Cuisine: Rethinking of MA Webinar Seiries
Guest Speaker: Prairie Stuart-Wolf
Panelist: Hitoshi Abe & Ken Tadashi Oshima
Hosted by Japan House Los Angeles
Presented by UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies