2021 / Free Webinar / The Magic of Minka: Japanese Traditional Farmhouses, Nov. 02, 8PM, ET

Please join us in a free webinar on the evening of Tuesday, November 2 (in Japan on the morning of November 3, “Culture Day”).

Yoshihiro Takishita, the well-known architect who specializes in the preservation and renovation of traditional Japanese farmhouses, and I will be discuss this fascinating subject.  The webinar is free but pre-registration is requested.  Full information is below and attached. (Peter Grilli in Boston)

Anyone interested in Japanese architecture, Japanese joinery and woodworking, or the cultural aesthetics of Japan should not miss this free zoom webinar on

Japanese Traditional Farmhouses
Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 8:00pm (Eastern US time)

For registration & more information:

My longtime friend Yoshihiro Takishita, an architect who specializes in the preservation and transformation of traditional farmhouses, and I will be speaking on this fascinating subject.(Peter Grilli in Boston)

A free webinar co-sponsored by CIE-USA and EngageAsia