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Contents of Weekly Cultural News, May 22-28, 2923 (Reiwa 5)

P01: 19th Annual All-USA High School Japanese Speech Contest to be held Sunday, June 4, 1PM (PDT) via Zoom

P02: 19th Annual All-USA High School Japanese Speech Contest to be held Sunday, June 4, 1PM (PDT) via Zoom

P03: Japanese American Cultural & Community Center to award Hirokazu Kosaka, JACCC’s Master Artist-in-Residence at June 22 Dinner

P04: Japanese American Cultural & Community Center to award Hirokazu Kosaka, JACCC’s Master Artist-in-Residence at June 22 Dinner

P05: Makoto Taiko to present annual concert “Legacy” June 24 at Aratani Theatre

P06: Makoto Taiko to present annual concert “Legacy” June 24 at Aratani Theatre

P07: With message of global peace to Hiroshima, musical “Peace On Your Wings” to make Los Angeles debut from Honolulu, Aug. 5-6 at Aratani Theatre

P08: With message of global peace to Hiroshima, musical “Peace On Your Wings” to make Los Angeles debut from Honolulu, Aug. 5-6 at Aratani Theatre