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Contents of Weekly Cultural News, July 10-16, 2023 (Reiwa 5)
P01: LA Nebuta organizer invites the public to Nebuta Festival in Nisei Week Grand Parade, Aug. 13
P02: Okinawa Association of America to host Cooking Workshop of Okinawan “doughnuts,” Saturday, July 29, 1:00PM
P03: Okinawa Association of America to host Cooking Workshop of Okinawan “doughnuts,” Saturday, July 29, 1:00PM
P03: Japanese American National Museum exhibits “Glenn Kaiko: Aki’s Market”
P04: Japanese American wartime experience stage “Defining Courage” to come to Aratani Theatre, Sunday, July 23, 3:00PM(Sold Out) & 7:00PM
P05: Los Angeles County Museum of Art closing “Sam Francis and Japan: Emptiness Overflowing” July 16
P06: Help Cultural News by Your Donation to build network of whole Japanese culture