Consulate General of Japan
“Sugihara Visas Day” video is available now on demand at website / Californian dignitaries praise Japanese diplomat for saving Jews during WWII
“Sugihara Visas Day” video is available now on demand at
The California Legislature has designat…
Japan's folk ensemble to perform for celebrating Japan-U.S. cherry blossom ccentennial, April 09, 10
Abeya's performance
Sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles and the Japan Foundation, Abeya, a mus…
Mar 10: Japan's consulate general to hold a public apprication event of American's support after the disaster
Called as “Japan: Endless Discovery,” the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles and Japanese Business Associatio…
Mr. Yusuke Shindo appointed new Deputy Consul General in Los Angeles
In June of 2010, Yusuke Shindo arrived in Los Angeles and began his post as Deputy Consul General of the Consulate Genera…