79 Rakugo
2016 / Comical Japanese stories to be performed in “Rakugo” style in Arizona, Feb. 25-28
The Japanese Culture Club of Arizona and Canary English Rakugo Company in Tokyo present “Japan’s Traditional S…
2015 / Funny, horror, and human Japanese stories to be recited in English on “Rakugo” stage, Aug 15
Saturday Show was held from 1 pm - 3 pm.
Eleven storytellers from Japan will recite Japanese stories in English on Aug 15…
2015 / Rakugo at Anime Expo, July 5, 12:15 pm
2015 Anime Expo at Los Angeles Convention Center
July 5 (Sunday)
Room: 409AB
10:15 am - 11:15 am: JET Panel
12:15 am - 1:15…
1998 October / Rakugo will be performed for English speaking audiences
Text for English Rakugo…