USC Pacific Asia Museum

Free Family Festival on Sunday, May 4, from noon- 4pm.

The event celebrates Japan and the art of printmaking to coincide with the Japanese Hanga exhibition. 

The event is open to everyone and in addition to free admission to the galleries there will be a woodblock printing demonstration by artist Kristina Hagman (who had an exhibition 36 Views of Mount Rainier at the museum a few years ago). 

She will demonstrate how multiple carved blocks and multiple printings add up to make one image.

Also, two types of printmaking will be showcased during the hands-on activity time: carving and printing using foam blocks and printing gyotaku (we will use fish reproductions rather than real fish).

Also, the Southern California Haiku Society will lead a haiku writing and performances include drumming by LA Matsuri Taiko, Okinawan music, a traditional dance troupe, and karate demonstrations. 

USC Pacific Asia Museum is located at 46 North Los Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. (626) 449-2742.