The Sister City Association of Huntington Beach hosts its 3rd annual event beneath the beautiful cherry blossom trees at the Huntington Beach Central Park bandstand at 7111 Talbert Ave on Sunday, March 20 from 10:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Time Schedule
10:35 - Cherry Tree Dedication Ceremony
11:00 Opening Ceremonies, Introduction Dignitaries
11:30 Kokoro Taiko
12:00 Fujima Ransei Japanese Dance
12:15 Kineya Yasofujiko Kyooshitsu Nagauta Japanese Classical Music
12:45 Nancy Hayata of Classical Japanese Dance
1:00 Little Tokyo Dance Club
1:30 Venice Kendo Dojo
2:00 Mai No Kai Traditional Japanese Dance
2:30 Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu Dojo Karate Demo
3:00 Yuna & Tida Okinawan Sanshin
3:30 Minyo Station