2018 / Little Tokyo: Zenshuji Temple to screen documentary “Buddhist” Jan. 21

Zenshuji Soto Mission
123 S Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Sunday, January 21, 5:00pm
Free admission

Film screening: “Buddhist”
Japanese with English subtitles

A new documentary featuring six Buddhist monks, which the film follows across Japan and around the world over two years.

One of the monks the film shows is Rev. Issho Fujita, the Director of the Soto Zen International Center.


Japanese trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqeh4jAd1RQ

映画「Buddhist – 今を生きようとする人たち」
監督・撮影・編集 / 後藤サヤカ
出演者 / ネルケ無方、藤田一照、星覚、吉村昇洋、麻田弘潤、三浦明利