In order to bring Awa Odori dance to the parade of Phoenix Matsuri event on Feb 26 and 27, 2011, the following workshops will take place.

Instructor: Machiko Fujii of Los Angeles Awa Odori Tokushima Ren. Machiko is a native of Tokushima where is home of Awa Odori.

Saturday, Nov 13, 6 – 9 pm

Fushicho Daiko Dojo, 2217 North Dayton Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006

$10 donation

Instruments workshop (taiko, shamisen, chanchiki, fue): Experiences required

Dance workshop: Novice welcome


Sunday, Nov 14, 12:30 – 2:30 pm

The Japanese Friendship Garden, 1125 North Third Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003

$5 donation

Dance workshop: Novice welcome

In case of rain, the venue will be changed to the Irish Culture Center, 106 North Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004, located behind the garden.

The next Awa Odori workshop will be planned on Jan 15 and 16, 2011.

For more information, contact Ken Koshio by email