2023/10/07-08: “Taste of Japan” even to come to Phoenix at Heritage Square, Oct. 7-8
Taste of Japan is coming to Arizona!
Bringing all of your favorite Japanese foods, Japanese pop culture, Anime, Cospla…
2020 / Arizona Matsuri, Festival of Japan, in Phoenix, Feb. 22-23
Arizona Matsuri, Festival of Japan
February 22, 23, Saturday- Sunday, 2020
Steele Indian School Park, Phoenix, AZ
2017 / Film "In This Corner of the World" continuing in San Diego and Phoenix, Aug 25 - 31
Suzu of “In This Corner of the World”
After Aug. 18-24 screening in major cities in the U.S., film "In This Corner of the Wo…
2016 / Japan’s famous taiko artist and dancer to provide workshops in Arizona, Sept. 28, Oct. 3, 4
Email from Ken Koshio of Wakonkan Dojo, Phoenix, Arizona, on September 21, 2016
Dear my people,
I am so excited to…
2016 / Japan’s famous taiko artist to perform at Japanese garden in Phoenix, Oct. 1
Email from Ken Koshio of Wakonkan Dojo, Phoenix, Arizona on Sept. 21, 2016
Performances by Chieko Kojima of KODO from Ja…
2016 / Phoenix to host 32nd annual Arizona Matsuri event, Feb. 27-28
The Arizona Matsuri is an annual festival which celebrate Japanese culture and heritage, traditional and modern. The…
2015 / Phoenix Japanese garden’s annual clean-up day to take place Sept. 26
Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix
Calling All Volunteers for Annual Garden Clean Up Day
Saturday, Sept. 26
7:30 am…
2015 / Phoenix celebrating “Arizona Matsuri” Feb. 21-22 at Heritage & Science Park
2015 Arizona Matsuri in Phoenix
Feb. 21 & 22, Saturday & Sunday
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Free admission
2014 / Phoenix’s festival to exhibit Japanese art and crafts, Feb. 22-23
Arizona Matsuri, festival of Japan in Phoenix, Feb 22 -23
10 am – 5 pm Free Admission
Heritage and Science Park, 7th and M…
2014 / Phoenix’s festival to showcase Japanese culture and taiko music, Feb. 22-23
Arizona Matsuri, festival of Japan in Phoenix, Feb 22 -23
10 am – 5 pm Free Admission
Heritage and Science Park, 7th and M…