Cultural News wishes to express the warmest levels of appreciation to its donors for their support of the Weekly CN project
Since the 1980s, Japanese culture has become very popular in the U.S. Sushi, Japanese cuisine, Anime and related products have also become big business.
As a result of this expansion of Japan-related news, products and events, publications and information of many kinds dealing with Japanese cuisine and Anime have flooded into the Los Angeles market.
Throughout the continent of the U.S., Los Angeles is considered the capital of Japanese culture because of the concentration in the region of native-born Japanese, Japanese Americans and Americans who have diverse kinds of associations with Japan.
Therefore, it is no surprise that from Santa Barbara to San Diego, numerous organizations and associations for the promotion of Japanese culture have been established.
Cultural News was born in 1998 to review and promote those numerous Japanese cultural events that take place in Southern California and also outside the region. In that regard, Cultural News is considered the most comprehensive source of information regarding Japanese art and cultural events.
However, one of the realities of publishing Cultural News is that the editor, Shige Higashi, has been severely underpaid for more than 10 years. The non-profit Cultural News Association was formed in the Spring of 2019, to support the work of publishing Cultural News and to spread Japanese culture in the U.S. For this purpose, the Cultural News Association set the fund-raising goal at the amount of $30,000, annually.
As the pandemic seems to be coming to an end, Cultural News is preparing to increase its geographical coverage and Japan-related news events. To that end, the Cultural News Association would appreciate your donation, in any amount, to build a strong foundation for the budget of Cultural News.
As of December 31, 2023, of this current year, the Cultural News Association has raised about $18,315.
SHIGE HIGASHI, Cultural News Editor.
email: (213) 819-4100
Cultural News - Donation Application
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