Japan Hollywood Network (JHN) will broadcast the Japanese TV drama, “Believe” (In Japanese language with English subtitled) starting on Sunday, May 12 at 7pm on channel 44.1 (KXLA). "Believe" will be airing 10 episodes until July 14.
Additionally, after airing each episode, “Believe” will be available for free streaming nationwide on Japan Hollywood Network’s website, www.jhollywoodnet.com
"Believe," an epic entertainment drama starring Takuya Kimura.
The protagonist (Kimura) works for a major contractor, passionate about bridge building, yet is imprisoned for a crime he is falsely accused of.
Despite facing challenges, he does not lose hope in his journey of proving his innocence. With winding twists and turns, this thrilling suspense with a heart-warming human drama is a tale of hope and rebirth.
Programs of Japan Hollywood Network can be viewed by anyone that can receive a broadcast over-the-air television in KXLA broadcasting area, and:
- Those who receive via antenna can find it on CH 44.1.
- For cable / satellite users:
○SPECTRUM-CHARTER; CH 14,19,20,715 or CH 1240
○COX: CH31,32
○Direct TV, Dish, U-Verse: CH 44
For more information please visit our website at jhollywoodnet.com or contact us at info@jhollywoodnet.com.
Japan Hollywood Network (JHN) is the Japanese-language TV station based in Los Angeles, CA. JHN aims to share the Japanese culture to the people in the United States while also providing necessary information such as news and current events to the people of the community.
JHN currently airs on Ch.44.1 KXLA-TV every Sunday evening. The station covers the Greater Los Angeles area including Orange