Nibei Debris at Rikuzen-takata

Debris at Rikuzen-takata in Iwate prefecture on April 16 (Cultural News Photo)

In the May lecture of the Japan Study Club at the Nibei Foundation in West Los Angeles, a scholar, a medical doctor and a journalist, who respectively visited the Tohoku areas, will report their firsthand experiences of the disaster aftermath.

Report by Prof. Hitoshi Abe

UCLA Architecture chair Prof. Hitoshi Abe was born and raised in Sendai. He taught at Tohoku University from 1994 to 2007 before he became UCLA professor.

He recently visited Sendai.

“What I Saw in the Aftermath of March 11 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami”

by Dr. Osamu Fujimura, UCLA medical doctor, who visited the disaster area immediately after the March 11 as a medical staff.

“Visiting Shelters, Meeting People”

by Shige Higashi, publisher of Cultural News, who visited Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures from April 15 through April 20 for a fact-finding trip.

The Japan Study Club’s May dinner and lecture will be held on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 pm. The reception and dinner will be followed by the lectures at 7:30 pm.

Admissions are $10 per person including dinner.

For reservation, call (310) 479-6101 ext 134 or email

The Japan Study Club will be held at the Terasakai Foundation Laboratory Building, 11570 Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064.