Love to Nippon event in March 2013 in Los Angeles

Love to Nippon event in March 2013 in Los Angeles

The Fourth Annual 3.11 Memorial Event

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Presented by: Japanese American National Museum, Japan America Society of Southern California and Love to Nippon Project

Supported by: Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles

Reflecting on Japan’s Worst Earthquake & Tsunami and Lessons Learned to Better Prepare Southern Californians for Natural Disasters

Love to Nippon 2015 is generously hosted by the Japanese American National Museum

Emergency Preparedness Fair, Prayers and Flower Offering for General Public

1:00pm – 4:30pm JANM Courtyard and Plaza

1:00pm - 4:00pm “How are the devastated areas in Tohoku, Japan now after four years?”

Booths presented by Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectural Organizations of Southern California and Music Tribute by Los Angeles Todo-Kai, Tadashi Namba and the Blues Adjacent and playing of Tsugaru-Shamisen.

Mauricio Ortiz and Karla Gonzales, American Red Cross Los Angeles Region; Home Depot, L.A. County Fire Department Fire Truck, Yusuke Iimori, United States Coast Guard and others

Co-Emcees: Richard Fukuhara & Masako Unoura-Tanaka, Love to Nippon Project

1:30pm - 2:00pm “What is Los Angeles doing to prepare for possible earthquake and tsunami?”

Remarks: Chief Daryl L. Osby, Los Angeles County Fire Department

Presentation: Battalion Chief Larry Collins, L.A. County Fire Department and First Responder in Japan and others

Co-Emcees: Richard Fukuhara & Masako Unoura-Tanaka, Love to Nippon Project

2:00pm - 4:30pm “Interfaith Service”

Shinto Ceremony: Izumi Hasegawa, Senior Priest of Shusse Inari Jinja, Nikkei Interfaith Group of Little Tokyo and Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation, Rev. Mark Nakagawa, Centenary United Methodist Church

Co-Emcees: Lori Gardea & Toby Mallen of Nichi Bei Fujin Kai (NBFK), Kay Inose & Kitty Sankey of the Japanese Women’s Society of Southern California

5:30pm - 7:30pm “Candlelight Service”

Rev. Mark Nakagawa, Centenary United Methodist Church

Events at Courtyard and Plaza open at 1:00 pm

Memorial Program

3:30pm – 7:00pm Tateuchi Democracy Forum

Program Part I:  3:00 pm - 5:05 pm

Emcee: Janet LeBlanc, Love to Nippon Project

3:00pm: Doors Open

3:15pm - 3:30pm

Kitakami Elementary School Song Video of Miyagi Prefecture, Lyrics by Satoko Sato, Music by Mitsuhiro Sakakibara,

Video production by Steve Rey Saito

3:30pm - 3:50pm

Invocation: Reverend Timothy Yee, Union Church of Los Angeles

Cantor: Eva Robbins of N’vay Shalom Synagogue

National Anthems: Japan and the United States of America by Erika Olsen, singer

Welcome Greetings: G.W (Greg) Kimura, Ph.D., President and CEO, Japanese American National Museum

3:50pm - 4:30pm

Special Reports: A Preview of the Documentary Film Screening of “Live Your Dreams: the Taylor Anderson Story”

Additional reports about the current situation in Tohoku will be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Moreth, Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Global Banking and members of JASSC; Ted Tokio Tanaka, FAIA, Architects and a member of JASSC; Mr. Yoshihito Yonezawa, President of Miyagi Kenjinkai and a representative of the affected prefectural associations

Moderator - Douglas Erber, President of JASSC

4:30pm - 5:05pm

Words of Appreciation: The Honorable Hidehisa ” Harry” Horinouchi, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles

Recitation of Poetry written by Kevin Murphy, student at California State University, Northridge

Music Tribute: “Hana Wa Saku” and “Soran Bushi” folk song by the Nikkei Choral Federation of Southern California

Closing - Douglas Erber, President of JASSC; Masako Unoura-Tanaka, Founder of Love to Nippon Project

Program Part II: 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm

5:15pm - 7:00pm

Screening of Documentary Film “Live Your Dreams: the Taylor Anderson Story” followed by Q&A session with the film’s producer, Regge Life.

Taylor Anderson was an American English teacher in the City of Ishinomaki. After comforting and helping her students evacuate following the earthquake, she was last seen riding her bike to her apartment.

Award winning film producer and director, Regge Life, documented Taylor Anderson’s life and the positive impact she made and continues to make to strengthen the relationship between the U.S. and Japan.

7:00pm – 7:30pm

Candlelight Service led by Rev. Mark Nakagawa, Centenary United Methodist Church

National Center for the Preservation of Democracy, Courtyard and Plaza Japanese American National Museum are located at 111 N. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90012 (Little Tokyo)

Love to Nippon 2015

CONTACT: Masako Unoura-Tanaka, Founder of Love to Nippon Project, Tel: 310-484-1800 ext. 0,  Fax: 310-484-0188,