Love to Nippon
2019 / Los Angeles to observe 2011 Japan Tsunami Disaster Anniversary at LAPD Headquarters in Downtown, Mar. 10
Forwarded for Love to Nippon Project
The 8th Anniversary of Love to Nippon: 2019
12:00 pm on Sunday, March 10, 2019
at Los…
2018 / Love to Nippon: 400 people observe Japan’s tsunami memorial day, March 11
Love to Nippon 2018 - 7th Anniversary Memorial Event pays tribute to the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake &…
2018 / Simultaneous candle light prayer for Japan’s tsunami memorial, March 10 at 9:46PM in Los Angeles
A Candle Light Prayer for 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami
Saturday, March 10 at 9:46PM at North-side of S…
2017 / Japan's disaster memorial event to begin with Shinto ceremony at Little Tokyo, March 5
Izumi Hasegawa (certified Shinto Priest by Association of Shinto Shrines)
Senior Priest, Shusse Inari Jinja
2016 / LA County Supervisors commend memorial project "Love to Nippon" of Tohoku 2011 disaster, Mar. 22
Video of Masako Unoura-Tanaka and Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe at the LA County Supervisor Meeting Hall on M…
2016 / Candlelight vigil at Santa Monica Pier for victims of 2011 Japan disaster, Mar. 10 at 9:46 PM
Forwarded for Love to Nippon 2016
What: A candlelight vigil to honor all the lives lost and forever affected by the Grea…
2016 / Mr. Norman Mineta speaks at 2011 Japan’s disaster memorial event in Los Angeles
Former US Secretary of Transportation Mr. Norman Mineta spoke at "Love to Japan 2016"…
2016 / Memorial event organizer announces supporter list of March 6 event in Downtown Los Angeles
Fifth Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial Special Events
“Love to Nippon 2016”
The Fif…