2018 / News Year Celebration in Little Tokyo: Japanese song “Gion Kouta” performed by Matsutoyo Kai

On Jan. 01, 2018, Japanese song “Gion Kouta” (Song of Gion) was performed by the Matsutoyo Kai with lead vocal Matsutoyosen Sato with a dance of Mastsutoyonatsu Sato at the Weller Court stage of New Year Celebration in Little Tokyo events sponsored by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California. ロサンゼルスの民謡団体「松豊会」による「お正月イン・リトル東京」の舞台。「祇園小唄」の歌い手は佐藤松豊扇。踊りは佐藤松豊捺。(Cultural News Video)