Orange County Buddhist Church Junior YBA presents
Jazz Benefit Concert
Saturday, August 11th @ 2:00 pm

Featuring Makoto Takenaka

Makoto Takenaka was born in Connecticut, and was raised in Kyoto, Japan. He acquired a BA and MA in education in Tokyo, then came to the US to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

After graduating Magna Cum Laude, he became the first Japanese assistant professor at Berklee, and was promoted to associate professor.

He integrates Japanese traditional tunes into Jazz-Fusion.

Orange County Buddhist Church at Main Hondo
909 S. Dale Ave., Anaheim 92804

Tickets: $25 Adults, $10 Youth
Please RSVP by Aug. 1, 2018
Questions: Carol Sakamoto,

Please complete your check payable to: OCBC Jr. YBA
and mail to: OCBC Jr. YBA, Attn: Carol Sakamoto, 9144 McFadden Ave, Westminister, CA 92683 by Aug.1, 2018.

After deadline, tickets will be available at the door on day of event until sold out.