Cultural News will present “Special Meeting for Western Japan Flood Damage: First Hand Reports by Cultural News Editor Shige Higashi” on Wednesday, Aug. 22 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Japanese Community Pioneer Center, Room 301 of the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center building, 244 S San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Cultural News Editor Shige Higashi visited his home town Kure from Aug. 3-9 for fact finding of the damages of the July Heavy Rain Disaster. The July 6-8 Heavy Rain caused damages over extended areas of western Japan including Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures.
Kure City was one of the worst areas of the damages: 25 people were killed, near 3,000 houses were damaged, and over 1,000 locations of roads and public facilities were destroyed.
Higashi will explain about the damages and our helps in Los Angeles with slide show presentation.
Admission free. Open to the public. For more information, contact Higashi at (213) 819-4100 or
Chronological Report of Flood Disaster at Kure: httP://
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