Download Link of Weekly Cultural News, Jan. 04-10 Issue
Weekly Cultural News is a substitute publication for
monthly Cultural News
Contents of Weekly Cultural News, Jan. 04-10, 2021
- Following COVID-19 health regulations, 1,000 visitors offer New Year’s pray at Koyasan Buddhist Temple in Little Tokyo
- To commemorate 10th anniversary of Tsunami disaster in Japan, NHK documentary series to be premiered in the U.S. on Jan. 8
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art to present online “Art & Conversation: Yoshitomo Nara” Jan. 5, 12, 19
- Imagine Little Tokyo Writing Workshop with award winning author and community leader on Zoom
- Japanese Percussion Lesson #29: Let’s look at different characters of Western and Kabuki music
- Cultural News’ Webinar on “Traditional Japanese Music: Shakuhachi”
- Cultures are major connections to communities
Download Link of Weekly Cultural News, Jan. 04-10 Issue
To readers of Monthly Cultural News
From Shige Higashi, Cultural News Editor
Amid COVID-19 outbreak, we had to suspend publishing Monthly Cultural News in April 2020 due to all Japanese cultural events were suspended at cultural centers and art museums in Southern California.
Since June 2020, we started publishing Weekly Cultural News as substitute for the monthly publication.
I started Cultural News in summer 1998 to introduce Japanese art exhibitions and local Japanese cultural events to the public, native Japanese and American-born Japanese.
I eventually discovered Southern California is the home of more than 100,000 native Japanese, and the majority became U.S. citizen but they still need Japanese culture.
In last 20 years, there are more international marriages than Japanese marriages in not only Los Angeles but also in the US. For ordinary people, cultures such as language, songs, dances, foods, visual arts and martial arts, are major connections to communities.
Keeping Japanese culture is still important parts of their life for the old and younger generations in Los Angeles.
In 2020, Cultural News received $20,000 donation against $30,000 goal.
COVID-19 pandemic forces us to use more technologies such as Zoom and Webinar. To meet these requirements, Cultural News needs $30,000 donation per year. Your supports are essential.
If you may have any questions about our projects and donation campaign, please contact Cultural News Editor Shige Higashi via: or (213) 819-4100.