Forwarded for CalArts Japanese Ensemble

We are super excited to invite all these wonderful artists from all over the USA and JAPAN!

They will talk about and demonstrate what Japanese music, sounds, and movements are like and how they have been developing and practiced throughout history and in our time.

We will see tradition as constant evolution and learn some of the contemporary approaches to the arts originated from Japan.

Since we are still all online this semester, we took advantage of it and were able to bring these artists.

Please contact us at if you are interested to join and learn!

Mondays at 8pm
Admission: free
Please RSVP at

2/8: 尺八 (Shakuhachi) Christopher Blasdel & David Wheeler

2/22: 箏 (koto) 松元香壽恵 (Kozue Matsumoto)

3/1: 尺八 (Shakuhachi) Zac Zinger

3/8: 太鼓 (Taiko) Richard An & Wells Leng

3/15: 太鼓 (Taiko) Eien Hunter-Ishikawa & Shoji Kameda

4/5: 尺八 (Shakuhachi) 神令 (Ray Jin)

4/12: 能 (Noh) 村岡聖美 (Kiyomi Muraoka)

4/19: 舞踏 (Butoh) Oguri

4/26: 民謡 (Minyo) Marisa Kosugi

5/3: 津軽三味線 (Tsugaru Shamisen) 山口ひろし (Hiroshi Yamaguchi)